This instructor-led online secondary to seniors one year coding program is designed by the INSTITUTE OF ICT PROFESSIONALS GHANA is to teach the programming fundamentals of web and mobile app development.
Number of Modules: 6 Modules
Program Duration: 2 Months per module
Lessons: 2-3 lessons per week
Hours per Lesson: 2 hours
Rate per Month: GHS 300.00 (about 52 USD, current rate)
- Website Design I (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
- Website Design II (Bootstrap, WordPress)
- Website Design III (PHP, SQL)
- Full-Stack Developer Program (jQuery, Angular JS, Node.js)
- Mobile App Development I (App Inventor, Figma, Flutter)
- Mobile App Development II (Phone GAP, Android Studio)
- Mobile App Development III (Java/Kotlin, Swift)
- Java programming
- c++ programming
- Python for Begginers
Contacts: +233244418192, +233242773762, +233244357006
email: info@iipgh.org
Purchasing Instructions
Upon purchase you will receive an email with further instructions on logging onto sessions.