This instructor-led online secondary/seniors one year coding program is designed by the INSTITUTE OF ICT PROFESSIONALS GHANA is to teach the programming fundamentals of web and mobile app development.
Number of Modules: 6 Modules
Program Duration: 2 Months per module
Lessons: 2-3 lessons per week
Hours per Lesson: 2 hours
Rate per Month: GHS 250.00 (about 43 USD, see current rate here)
- Website Design I (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
- Website Design II (Bootstrap, WordPress)
- Website Design III (PHP, SQL)
- Full-Stack Developer Program (jQuery, Angular JS, Node.js)
- Mobile App Development I (App Inventor, Figma, Flutter)
- Mobile App Development II (Phone GAP, Android Studio)
Contacts: 0244418192, 0242773762, 0244357006
email: info@iipgh.org
Purchasing Instructions
Upon purchase you will receive an email with further instructions on logging onto sessions.